HR Physicals

Many CEOs are concerned they are not getting the full value from their HR departments. HR is perceived as a bureaucratic policing function instead of a crucial enabler of business growth. Taylor has partnered with a group of former CHROs and Senior VP’s of HR to create Virticle HR Consulting, LLC. Drawing on over 100 years of combined experience leading HR functions in progressive organizations. They provide consulting support to CEOs and CHROs who want more from their HR function. They have created robust qualitative and quantitative diagnostic tools to uncover hidden strengths and crucial capability gaps in the people practices from diverse organizations.

HR Physical Diagonotisic Framework

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We offer various levels of consulting support based on the needs of your organization

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Conduct Assessment

Interview SLT and CHRO

Survey managers

KPI HR process review

Prioritize opportunities

Present recommendations

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Develop a Change Plan

Interview SLT and CHRO

Survey managers

KPI process review

Prioritize opportunities

Present recommendations

Build a change plan

Stage / calendarize changes

Present best practices

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Support Execution

Interview SLT and CHRO

Survey managers

KPI & HR process review

Prioritize opportunities

Present recommendations

Build a change plan

Stage / calendarize changes

Present best practices

Provide guidance to action teams

Advise Sr. leadership on progress

Validate change via surveys & KPIs

Contact Us

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